Discovering Your Mind - Aphantasia and Beyond
The Discovering Your Mind Podcast is dedicated to research and discussion surrounding all aspect of the mind's eye from Aphantasia to Hyperphantasia and everything in between. Using our in-depth questionnaire that we call the "Discovering Your Mind Protocol", we unlock and discover your unique way of visualizing and bask in the beauty of our differences.
Discovering Your Mind - Aphantasia and Beyond
Aphantasia and Beyond
Join me in this first episode for a brief overview of what aphantasia is, how I discovered that I have it, the research I have conducted since, and how it led me to creating this podcast. Learning about aphantasia and how your minds eye works, will benefit your relationships with others and yourself.
Here is a link to the apple graph, the nature picture, and the carnival picture. https://www.shanesbraindomain.com/aphantasia
You could be on the podcast with YouPhantasia! Record and submit your input. https://www.shanesbraindomain.com/youphantasia
Join our Discovering Your Mind Facebook group and participate in discussions, questions, and more. https://www.facebook.com/groups/316476481204107/
We appreciate your support! Here are 3 easy ways you can support the show financially:
• Go to https://podcast.discoveringyourmind.com/ and become a monthly donor.
• Make a donation with https://www.buymeacoffee.com/shanesbrain
• Purchase t-shirts and books on https://www.shanesbraindomain.com/
Purchase the book, Aphantasia and Beyond, here:
Short Guitar Clip by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Rock Intro 1...