Discovering Your Mind - Aphantasia and Beyond
The Discovering Your Mind Podcast is dedicated to research and discussion surrounding all aspect of the mind's eye from Aphantasia to Hyperphantasia and everything in between. Using our in-depth questionnaire that we call the "Discovering Your Mind Protocol", we unlock and discover your unique way of visualizing and bask in the beauty of our differences.
41 episodes
Poor Memory, SDAM, and Amnesia
In this episode we explore the topic of memory from the perspective of memory deficiency and specific conditions, situations, and disorders that play a role. We spend much of the episode trying to figure out exactly what SDAM is. I have never h...
Episode 41
Aphantasia, Creative Writing, and Inner Quiet with Drew Lamm
In this episode, Drew Lamm shares beautiful insights about aphantasia and writing and life. We talk about following the pen, some shortcomings of education, delighting in quietness, and more. Drew shares a beautiful piece that she wrote about h...
Episode 40
Discovering the Mind of Elena DeLisle
In this episode we discover how Elena DeLisle's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Elena is a musician and music teacher. She has Aphantasia and SDAM and can't remember if she could visualize as a child. She can't tell i...
Episode 39
Discovering the Mind of Caitlyn
In this episode we discover how Caitlyn's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Caitlyn can't visualize with her eyes closed nor can she hear other people's voices in her mind. It's always just her own voice... unless it's ...
Episode 38
Discovering the Mind of Stacy Fahrion
In this episode we discover how Stacy Fahrion's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Stacy is a very talented and accomplished musician. She has aphantasia, SDAM, and is face blind. In addition, she doesn't have an inner v...
Episode 37
Aphantasia: What We Know So Far.
In this episode, Shane and Cole attempt to discuss everything, old and new, about aphantasia and give a basic overview of the phenomenon. They discuss why it took so long for research and interest in aphantasia to gain momentum, the latest rese...
Episode 36
Discovering the Mind of Brett Kelley Part 2
In part 2 we discover more about how Brett Kelley's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Brett talks about how imagining a mouse playing the violin worked better than counting sheep, how his mind serves up memories like or...
Episode 35
Discovering the Mind of Brett Kelley Part 1
In part 1 we discover how Brett Kelley's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Brett can imagine what it's like to be a chicken. He discusses how he used to use alcohol to calm his mind to fall asleep, as well as his "Calvi...
Episode 34
Discovering the Mind of Paula Puffer... or "I smell dead people"
In this episode we discover how Paula Puffer's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. The second guest in a row describes seeing images on the back of her eyelids which is separate and different from her mind's eye. But this...
Discovering the Mind of Daniel Faust
In this episode we discover how Daniel Faust's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Daniel explains that what sees with his eyes closed and what he sees in his mind's eye are two separate things. He also has trouble experi...
Episode 32
Discovering the Mind of Michael Nielsen
In this episode we discover how Michael Nielsen's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Michael's mind is kind of all over the place. He explains how there really isn't a ton of images in his head and often times it's...
Episode 31
Discovering the Mind of Garrett Sudweeks Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of Discovering the Mind of Garrett Sudweeks. In this episode, Garrett talks about how he dislikes books with too much description, and how he struggled in school until he learned how to create his own homework that was better ...
Episode 30
Discovering the Mind of Garrett Sudweeks Part 1
In this episode we discover how Garrett Sudweeks' mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. We have another guest with hyperphantasia who has some interesting details to share. Garrett talks about how he visualizes many differe...
Episode 29
Anendophasia (No Inner Voice) with researcher Johanne Nedergård
In this episode, Johanne Nedergård explains her involvement in research surrounding inner speech and more specifically, the lack thereof. She, and her team, have given the phenomenon of not having an inner voice, the name Anendophasia. We...
Episode 28
Discovering the Mind of Kary Jensen
In this episode we discover how Kary Jensen's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Kary leads us into some new and interesting discussions including premature closure, tasting food that is on tv, dyslexia, and visualizing ...
Episode 27
Discovering the Mind of Laurel Smith-Williams - Part 2
Welcome to part 2 of discovering the mind of Laurel Smith-Williams. In this episode, we discover that Laurel has a hard time imagining unique faces, has worse vision than normal in her dreams, feels less rested the more sleep she gets, and can ...
Episode 26
Discovering the Mind of Laurel Smith-Williams - Part 1
In this episode we discover how Laurel Smith-Williams' mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Laurel is hyperphantastic and her mind is quite amazing in many different ways. We discuss how her imagination space and memory sp...
Episode 25
An Aphantastic Conversation with Haley and Isaiah
In this episode we interview married couple, Haley and Isaiah, who both have aphantasia. Well, technically, Haley is hypophantastic, but she is very aphantastic in most regards. We discuss several interesting topics including putting the mind o...
Episode 24
Aphantasia, Visualization, and Disorders
This episode is hosted by special guest-host Cole Williams. Cole is studying for BA of Science-Psychology. He leads us in an interesting and important discussion about the research that is being done in connection to aphantasia, visualization, ...
Episode 23
Explain Shane's Brain
In this episode, I share and comment on questions and discussions from past guests about how my mind works. Many of my guests are curious about aphantasia and so they ask me questions, trying to better understand what I am experiencing. Here ar...
Episode 22
Discovering the Mind of Matthew Bockholt
In this episode we discover how Matthew Bockholt's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Matthew is the most hyperphantasia person that I have interviewed so far. His descriptions and insights are intriguing for sure. He is...
Episode 21
Discovering The Mind of C Michelle Jefferies
In this episode we discover how Michelle Jefferies' mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. We start out identifying Michelle as aphantasia but as we move along its definitely more along the lines of hypophantasia. It's inter...
Episode 20
Discovering the Mind of Alexander Vercoutre
In this episode we discover how Alexander Vercoutre's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Join us as we try to determine exactly what is happening in Alex's mind. Does he have aphantasia or not? I'm not 100% sure but I am...
Episode 19
Discovering the Mind of Alex Williams
In this episode we discover how Alex Williams' mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. It's really fun to hear Alex's answers because although she scores very high in all of the senses in her mind, they seem to have mind of t...
Episode 18
Discovering the Mind of Carl Demille
In this episode we discover how Carl Demille's mind's eye works using the Discovering Your Mind Protocol. Carl is an interesting case as his visualization seems to be a bit difficult to predict. He starts out with some very detailed description...
Episode 17